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FY23 Mistake House Magazine

FY23 Mistake House Magazine

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An annual online literary journal designed and edited by Principia College students, Mistake House Magazine juxtaposes work by both students and professional writers and artists, in an effort to produce honest, thoughtful, and inventive work.

Your gift supports…

  • Advertisement to reach a wider range of artists
  • Funds to host professionals in the Soap Bubble Set
  • Flexibility to wave student submission fees in times of financial insecurity
  • Prizes for editor's choice winners
  • Supporting the growth of the magazine
  • Bolstering the magazine's financial stability as a whole

Why give?

Since its inaugural 2015 issue, Mistake House Magazine has been committed to publishing inventive, compassionate, and insightful creative writing and art, juxtaposing the works of burgeoning student writers next to those of established professionals. Your contribution will help fund this year’s editors’ prizes in Fiction and Poetry, awarded to the most accomplished writing and photography we receive. Your donation will also support the Soap Bubble Set section, which features work from professional poets, photographers, and visual artists alongside insightful interviews.

Why are donations needed?

This is your way to support the magazine you enjoy reading! Gifts of any size show Mistake House Magazine your appreciation for the work that goes into creating yearly issues.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!